10 Golden Rules

Kids safe online.

10 Golden Rules
The benefits and dangers of using digital media are very close together. Besides the enjoyable experience of surfing the Internet, it is possible to become a victim or perpetrator consciously or unconsciously. Of course, nobody wants that. The following 10 rules can be established as an agreement between parents and children.
10 Golden Rules

I understand not to enter my name, address, or phone number on Internet sites without my parents' permission. I will not participate in sweepstakes, make purchases from online stores, bid on eBay, or spend money on online games.

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Explanation rule 1

The trend of minors making online purchases and sharing personal data on ostensibly free websites is a common scenario. Regrettably, this can lead to unanticipated financial strain on parents. Instances of falling into "subscription traps," where users unknowingly sign up for expensive services, can result in significant bills, often amounting to hundreds of euros. To comprehend the legal context, let's explore the details:

Children under 7: Individuals below 7 years old are deemed legally incompetent. Consequently, any contractual agreements they enter lack validity due to their inability to grasp legal implications.

Ages 7 to 17: Minors aged 7 to 17 possess limited legal capacity. This implies they can only establish contracts with explicit parental consent. However, the digital realm operates differently, as parental consent isn't automatically assumed. Contracts formed online without parental endorsement hold no legal weight.

Exception for Pocket Money: An exception exists in this context. Minors can enter contracts using their pocket money without requiring parental authorization. Typically, these involve modest transactions.

To sidestep potential complications, it's vital to understand that engaging in online contracts should only occur with parental agreement. This approach helps prevent issues with vendors or service providers. Key Takeaway: Minors should always consult their parents before making any online commitments. This proactive approach ensures alignment and prevents unforeseen problems down the line.


My passwords must be chosen securely. I must change my passwords regularly. I never share my passwords with unauthorized individuals and keep them safe. Only with my parents' consent will I log in to Internet portals and choose secure passwords for them.

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Explanation rule 2

Identity theft on social networks is a pressing issue that demands serious attention. It's concerning that children and young individuals are illegally acquiring access credentials from someone else's Facebook account. They read private messages and even post offensive remarks under the account owner's identity. This intrusion into personal privacy not only violates an individual's rights but also constitutes a criminal act. To counteract such privacy breaches, it's crucial to adopt preventive measures. One practical step is the selection of a password that boasts ample length and cannot be easily guessed. Regularly changing this password is advisable. Furthermore, it's important to avoid storing passwords on computers or making them accessible to unauthorized individuals. By following these practices, invading someone's privacy becomes notably more challenging.


In chats, forums, or social networks, I must not provide any personal information (such as an address, cell phone number, or phone number) other than my name. It's best to use a nickname that is not my real name. I do not share photos or videos of myself or others with strangers. I never agree to meet a person I've met over the Internet.

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Explanation rule 3

Online chat forums and social networks harbor a concerning threat: cybercriminals exploiting the veil of anonymity the Internet provides while attempting to gain a child's trust. This situation poses a significant risk, especially considering how the online realm offers a relatively low-risk avenue for individuals with malicious intent to connect with children, engaging them in specific actions or persuading them to meet in person. It's of paramount importance to thwart such dangers effectively.

Educating children about the reality of online interactions is essential. They must understand that the Internet allows individuals to impersonate others easily. Even if a chat partner appears friendly, never disclosing personal information such as full name or address is crucial. This precautionary measure is imperative, regardless of the seemingly amiable nature of the interaction.

By instilling this awareness, children are better equipped to navigate the online world safely and avoid potential risks associated with interacting with unknown individuals.


I take care of my privacy on the Internet. When using social networks, I configure my profile so only my friends can see what I post online. If I cannot do this alone, I seek my parents' assistance.

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Explanation rule 4

Selecting the right profile settings on social networks is paramount to ensuring your online privacy. Without proper precautions, your profile could be visible to people from across the globe. This issue is significant to convey to your child, as their online presence is equally vulnerable. Unfortunately, default settings often lean towards excessive visibility, risking personal information.

It's imperative for parents to educate their children about this potential threat. Taking control of profile settings can significantly reduce these risks. It's important to note that many platforms' default settings prioritize exposure over privacy. Parents should dedicate time to creating profile settings alongside their children as a countermeasure. This collaborative effort empowers both parties to safeguard personal information and ensures control over who can access their profile.

By proactively participating in setting up and customizing profile settings, parents can foster a safer online environment for their children. This approach empowers them to manage online interactions while safeguarding personal information.


I handle my photos responsibly. I ask my parents for advice if I need to decide whether to upload a picture of myself online. When posting pictures and videos, I ensure that the people in them have consented.

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Explanation rule 5

The right to one's own image is a fundamental entitlement. This signifies that sharing a photograph requires the explicit consent of the individual depicted, even in the realm of the Internet. Paradoxically, this principle is frequently compromised online, where legal infractions are prevalent. From party snapshots to vacation memories, many images find their way onto platforms like Facebook, often yielding unforeseen consequences.

It's worth noting that specific platforms, like Facebook, wield significant control over uploaded images due to their terms and conditions. Alarmingly, instances arise where photographs of young individuals on Facebook have been disseminated on explicit websites by unfamiliar entities. Minors, in particular, should exercise caution when sharing beach or revealing photos. Such images are unsuitable for social networks and can lead to unanticipated complications.


I treat others as I would like to be treated, with respect and consideration. I do not insult, harass, or bully anyone on the Internet. If other users do not follow this, I immediately inform my parents.

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Explanation rule 6

Internet bullying is a profoundly concerning dilemma characterized by various tactics aggressors employ. Their methods are diverse, ranging from forming hostile groups on social networks with names like "Everyone hates xxxxx," to hacking accounts and propagating insults and slander. The impact on victims can be overwhelming, as the attacks are swift and ongoing. A critical point to remember is that the internet retains everything—once information is uploaded, it can't be erased with the click of a button.

Those subjected to such torment often suffer shame and embarrassment, making it difficult to discuss their ordeal. In many cases, the perpetrators fail to comprehend the profound distress caused by their bullying actions. Addressing internet bullying necessitates seeking assistance from a trusted individual, parents, a reliable teacher, helpline services, or law enforcement.

By reporting cyberbullying and seeking support, victims can reclaim their sense of security and curb the reach of these malicious actions. It's essential to remember that no one should suffer such treatment in silence.


I do not visit sites unsuitable for my age, or that could put me in danger. If I need clarification on whether a site is appropriate for my age, I show it to my parents. If I accidentally access a page that requires me to confirm my age as over 18, I close the page in the presence of my parents.

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Explanation rule 7

Traditional search engines like Google can inadvertently lead users, including children, to pages containing explicit or violence-promoting content through sub-links. This is particularly problematic when the operators of these websites are located abroad, as they might not adhere to legal measures for safeguarding minors. To counteract accidental exposure, it's advisable to establish child-friendly search engines.

By employing this approach, content that could be harmful to minors is automatically filtered out. This proactive step helps protect children from accessing inappropriate content and fosters a safer online experience overall.


I understand that I am not allowed to use file-sharing networks (e.g., for music, movies). I am not permitted to upload or download pictures, videos, music, or movies on file-sharing networks or other internet sites (like social networks) without first asking my parents for permission.

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Explanation rule 8

Copyright violations are frequently perpetrated on file-sharing networks, often by minors who might be unaware of the consequences. They might not realize that downloading content, such as a music album from a file-sharing platform, they unintentionally share it with users worldwide on the same network. The essence of file-sharing lies in both taking and giving. In this process, the minor unknowingly becomes a distributor of copyrighted content. Unfortunately, this action takes place without the copyright owner's authorization, thereby constituting copyright infringement.

It's vital to comprehend that copyright infringements frequently trigger warnings, mainly when the shared content is a recent album or movie. Minors and individuals should be aware of the legal implications and ethical considerations of file-sharing activities, ensuring responsible and lawful online behavior.


I adhere to the PC or internet usage time agreed upon with my parents. This is _________ minutes per day. If I own a smartphone, this rule also applies there.

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Explanation rule 9

Establishing designated PC and internet usage times is essential, tailored to the child's age or adolescence. Additionally, it is crucial to find a viable approach to manage smartphone usage, given its growing autonomy beyond parental control. By striking the right balance, parents can ensure a healthier digital lifestyle for their children and adolescents.


I follow the rules that we have discussed together.